Board of directors
The board of directors gathers leading industry and research organisations within the field of robotics and ensures that the cluster works to further the development of a national effort on a global scene.
Board of directors
Casper Hansen (Chairman)
CEO and Co-founder, Technicon A/S
Lars Bach (Vice Chairman)
Henrik Bindslev
Dean, The Faculty of Engineering
University of Southern Denmark
Thomas Bak
Dean, The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Aalborg University
Jesper Bøhnke
Senior Vice President, Technology & Innovation
Mie Haraldsted
Propulsion Manufacturing & Supply Chain Manager, Orbex
Martin Høgsbjerg
Head of Global Supply Chain Technology
Danfoss Drives
Anne-Lise Høg Lejre
Executive Vice President, Food and Production
Danish Technological Institute
Post to be filled
Technical University of Denmark
Esben Østergaard
CEO & Co-founder
REInvest Robotics
Post to be filled
City of Odense